Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Year


Happy Leap Year!

And no... as clearly labeled in my picture, I did not spell "Mascott" incorrectly. It's a shameless plug. (Hi Mark! I'm a horrible person. I've been meaning to call, really. I hope you are doing well!)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Lorax

The Lorax movie is soon due in theatres. I love Dr. Seuss and can only hope the film makers respect him as much as I do.

I saw a commercial for the movie yesterday where someone refers to the Lorax as a talking Peanut.

For that, this. ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Science Fiction Fandom Fridays

So. I'm going to try posting a sci-fi related Peanut on Fridays from now on.

A couple of things need to be clarified for this picture...
• I've only watched up to the 3rd episode of season 3 with David Tennant.
• I've only watched up to the 3rd Season because of Torchwood.
• If I could draw Captain Jack Harkness' sweet jacket, Captain Peanut Harkness would have been posted first instead of the silly Daleknut.
• David Tennentnut / Christopher Eccelstonut would have been difficult to draw since David/Christopher didn't wear a fez or long scarf or celery. I would have drawn it and you all would have been like, "This could be any nut! I can't tell if this is David or Tom or Colin or who the heck!"
• Matt Smith is current, which somehow makes this blog more relevant.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Peanut. Attorney at Law

Long story short.

Company (who remains unnamed because I don't want to drag their name in the mud) gave me a faulty product. Complaints in store went unresolved. Complained on a social network site. Got someone higher up involved, and after some back and forth, I will be getting compensation in the form of products / services that would more or less be equivalent to a refund.

Good enough and (as of this moment) I'm a happy customer again (pending that everything goes smoothly when I return to the store to claim the compensation).

In all seriousness, I am truly happy that the company cared enough to listen to my complaints and do their best to fix it. Hopefully things go well. Feel free to wish me luck. :D

When I mentioned this to my friend she said I should be her Peanut at Law for the next time she buys a similar product and negotiate bonus swag for her.

I drew this.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anime nut

Anime North.
Only 3 months away. Eeeeee!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fruit Bat Nut

One of my friends decided I was more of a fruit bat than a peanut. I refuse to let go of my nickname. I compromised.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Family Day

You know those stickers people get for your back car window? Yeah. Well here's mine.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Angry Peanuts

Inspired by this game I have on my phone. I'm not sure if you've heard of it... ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Monday!

Inspired by those silly "Back Off" tire covers with the Tasmanian Devil on it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Peanutizing - illustrated

This is an illustration of the action I call "Peanutizing" which involves a lot of hugging, squishing, and naming things 'George'. The caption 'guilty peanut!!!' was added by Lady Caramel, who felt I was being suspicious.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Nambunut - based on a tweet/pic of my friend's cat Nambu.

I will repost pic/tweet if I learn how.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WhiteBoard Cave Peanut

This Cave Peanut was left for a friend, who works in another part of the building. We seldom run into each other and I was leaving little friendly "hello buddy" type notes on his white board so he knew I was there.

He never kept my notes there long... some excuse about executive people wandering around his desk or something.


So in my frustration, Cave Peanut made his second appearance.

Please note that Cave Peanut does change his clothes. Just because he's a Cave Peanut, doesn't mean he's not civilized.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nutella Day

The Peanut endorses anything that doesn't involve cannibalism. After all, this blog isn't called Hazelnut A Day. (But I suspect Hazelnuts are probably easier to draw than Peanuts.)


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Peanut Marks the Spot

No drawing today. Just something I found on Google Maps.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Save My Baby!

This is a detail of a Christmas Sculpture I had made for work (it was part of a decorate your desk contest) entitled: The Nutcracker. Not pictured is the giant nutcracker behind them eating another peanut, with peanut carnage around his feet.

Don't ask questions. I wouldn't be able to give a reasonable answer anyway.

photo by: Asma Chaudhri (because clearly I did not have the sense of mind to preserve my art)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey Sailor!

Apparently this:
( ** )/
( __ )
_| |_

looks like nipples (according to The Frog) which made me draw this: -------->

Inspiration courtesy The Frog.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vulcanized Peanut

Dedicated to Brad, the second semi-closeted Trekkie I know.

Bonus: Fanart for Jenneta Problems

Fan art for some really nice peoples that I work and worked with. They (Jenneta) are adorable, and my limited art skills do not convey the cuteness.

Please go here to see the cuteness I cannot capture.